Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's Beginning to Feel Like Christmas!

Can you believe there is only one week left in November?!?! Wow. Time is flying by this year! We have definitely been enjoying the season so far and this weekend was no expectation! It started early as soon as I got home from work on Friday, we had a great family dinner and then headed to Mason's favorite thing to do...BOWLING!

It was great to because Nash was finally old enough to play with us and oh what a game it I like to think that I am a decent bowler [I'm no pro but I can hang] well apparently Friday night I left my bowling mojo at home because here was the final score...

So...yeah...I got waxed by them both! Check out the videos below of their skills!

Totally embarrassing but good times so who could complain! This is the face of a 5 year old gloating about how awesome of a bowler he is...from winning one game, ha!

Next up on our weekend was spending Saturday night at Global Winter Wonderland at Turner Field in Atlanta! Christmas lights + food trucks + carnival rides = perfect way to start celebrating the season! We had a great time but it was COLD so poor Nash got stuck hanging out in the stroller most of the night just taking in the scenery, but Mas and his good friend Ashlyn had a blast! Here are some pictures from last night!

Poor Nash all bundled up!

We've also been counting down the days until Christmas with our Elf Game and it is definitely a big hit with Mason!

Now Nash is just a little too young to understand the Elf Game but I can't wait until he's old enough to enjoy the game with his big bubba! Maybe next year we'll have two elf's in the house!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Making Our Own Traditions!

We've had so much going on lately that it has just seemed impossible to blog! But I thought I would share a few new things that has been going on around here!

Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner! Yeah. Me either! But it is and we have decided to get some new traditions started in our little family. My husband in all his genius glory purchased "Elf on a Shelf" for Mason. Now I should start by saying that we have explained to Mason and will eventually to Nash as well that Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc are not real. We just hate to lie to them and we agree it is best that if we're teaching our kids to always be truthful then we need to set an example for them to follow. So, back to my husband...he obviously did not know the story behind the "Elf". But no biggie because we've come up with our own game to play with this Elf, who I will now refer to as "The General" which is the name Mas chosen for him.

So, for all you parents who don't promote the whole Santa thing I give you the "Elf Game". 
Here's how you play...

We've explained to Mason that this is a game to count down the number of days until Christmas kinda like an advert calendar! Every night we told him we would set up the General somewhere around the house, usually in some funny position and Mason will be in charge of finding him every morning. When he does there will be a bag with the General and it will have a number on it letting him know how many days he has until Christmas! As an added bonus inside the bag there will be a prize! The closer it gets to Christmas the better the prizes! Needless to say he was pretty excited about the whole idea!

So, tonight is our first night of the "Elf Game" and what is the General up too you ask...

What's in the bag...some yummy pieces of candy that he will be able to add to his lunchbox for his school lunch tomorrow!

In other Harris news...
Mason had his very first kindergarten performance to celebrate Thanksgiving, he was a little pilgram and they sang three songs to celebrate the holiday. It was without a doubt the cutest.thing.ever.
We got it all on video of course [for future blackmail and also to sit down and watch with his prom date].

Nash has had his own personal milestone recently as well...
I'm not the least bit excited...if you didn't notice. I just pray that this is the start of a wonderful relationship between him and the potty. He has also been learning a bunch of new words as well...what's his favorite so far you ask?
Which he says every time he sees me grab my phone along with his super cheesey grin that just melts my heart.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Happy November!

Happy November!
'Tis the month to be thankful and boy are we feeling thankful in this house!

So far it has been just as crazy as I thought moving an entire house, two kids, one dog and a husband 2,600 miles across the United States could be! Luckily though we have managed to find a moving company to come pack up our home and move it across the country [score one for me, not having to pack up this house myself] and we have found a house that we have absolutely fallen in love with...still waiting to hear back from the realtor, so keeping our fingers crossed that it will be ours!

Not gonna sugar coat it, this has definitely been a stressful last two weeks and I am extremely anxious to get out there, settled and find a job. But I have also been getting more and more excited, especially when I start looking into all the great things we'll be able to do with the boys out there! 

But even with all this going on life is still moving here for us and last weekend was no exception! Mason had his very first baseball banquet where he was presented with his trophy for the season! It was a great turn out and the kids had such a great time! Mason also got to experience his very first ever sleepover at a friend's house...and of course he did awesome!

We are also coming to the season end of soccer and will have a little bit of a break before we leave for Oregon which will be nice considering the closer we get to leaving the busier we are going to be! Just looking at his sports pictures...sigh...I can't believe how much he has grown this year!

Nash has been non-stop so far this month as well! Learning all kinds of new words and crazy facial expressions to add to it! His little personality is so goofy and he really is going to be the class clown for sure!

We also had an awesome Halloween! Mason was a "rancher" a character from one of his favorite books and the rest of us were lumberman in honor of us moving to Oregon! Needless to say Nash will his little beard was seriously the.cutest.thing.ever.

My handsome man!

Hope you all had a great Halloween!

Now...let's get ready for some turkey!