Friday, March 13, 2015

February Love

February seemed to breeze by so fast, we had so many things going on that I am not even sure how we managed to make it through the month with our sanity. At least that's how it felt for example is that it's mid March and I am finally writing this post about February!

It started with both my husband and I in additional education classes, his were local which brought him home nightly and they were spread out over the course of the month. Mine was a three day cram session, two hours away (with traffic...which is basically the only way to determine driving time in or through Atlanta, it is a given) from home which required a hotel and some serious disconnect. Vince's grandparents were thank God in town to help us juggle the month's crazy schedule with the kids plus my parents were here for a week since they were in between closings and have since purchased a new home in North Florida putting them only four hours away instead of nine!

In the middle of this month's craziness, I was also going through the interview process with a company that is a little closer to home and is in a position to offer me years of growth. It was a long process...the offer negotiations were slow...but all worth it and in due time. It is good not to rush these things and to make sure both parties have a good and clear understanding about expectations and future goals. I believe that this is going to be a wonderful fit for me. I feel like I have been swimming between companies for the last two years and I am. over. it. My current company is just not the place they sold me on and I have some serious concerns that has led me to make this move. I am also getting the added bonus of moving back into marketing (which I love)!

By far the BEST thing about this month and will always be the best thing about this month is Nash's birthday! Yes. My sweet baby boy is 3 years old and boy oh boy is he something else! We had a Ninjago themed party since that is his current obsession and the best part was my parents were close enough to hop in the car and be there with us to celebrate! Nash's Godfather Ryan and Aunt Jilian also made the trip from out of state to spend time with him. I wish Nash could see them more often, it still takes him time to warm back up to people he doesn't see all the time which always makes the visit seem shorter.

Since Ryan and Jilian were in town it also gave us a chance to hang out with them and have an "adult" night out on the town (props to the grandparents for keeping the sugar filled grandbabies after the party so we could go out)! We had to take them to the Village Threatre (duh!) and then it was onto the Der Biergarten for late night drinks and German pertzels! You guys...we got home at 2:30 AM...I honestly cannot remember the last time I was up past midnight let alone 2:30 AM...and believe me was I paying for it the next day. Did I mention that I feel so old sometimes???

The rest of the month was spent cleaning up from the beginning of the month, my house was a project to say the least. Mason also wrapped up basketball and we celebrated Blue & Gold with the cub scouts where Mason earned his God & Me pin and badge!

Now that were into March...we thought we'd have some downtime. Yeah. Sure. Right.

Baseball season has started, new job begins on Monday, Savannah trip this weekend, boy scout fundraising...well hello March!