Thursday, September 13, 2012

ABC's & 123's

Our son Mason just turned 4 in August and like most 4 year olds he is feeling like a big shot now, he has been asking us when he will be starting school and if he will be able to ride the school bus. My husband and I decided that we would like to home school him for the first couple of years and then re-evaluate to make sure that he is not falling behind in any areas. Needless to say Mas was a little disappointed that he will not be riding the bus anytime soon but we think this is the best thing for him at this point in time. I have been doing some research on different home school programs including the Abeka program which is supposedly the best. That will most likely be the one we go with but it does not have a Pre-K course program so I thought I would shared another online program I found for 2 to 5 year olds whether you are planning home schooling or public school it provides a great foundation of basics for any toddler!  It is not a Christian base course like Abeka but it really is a great tool that you should check out if you have any toddlers in your household.

It’s called and Mas really enjoys it! He sometimes will ask to do lessons multiple times throughout the day! It is a fun and interactive online learning program covering the basics from shapes, letters and numbers to the more comprehensive studies like reading and grammar. It also has a reward system for him so he has prizes to work towards. The online program is set up like a classroom with different levels which contain different lessons for him to go over, the lessons are set up as games so he is completely entertained and learning at the same time! Best part is that he is also learning computer skills [which we all know nowadays is a MUST] he has no problem opening up the laptop, getting to the site and logging into his classroom.

Another great feature on the site is the parent center which monitors his progress in detail, it list out in percentages his strengths and areas that he may need to work on. It also allows you to see if he has skipped any lessons or if he left any incomplete. It will also provide you with suggestions on areas to focus on with him and tip/tricks for offline activities you can do to help him better understand a certain lesson. It will also give you a recommendation on the level he is at and where he should be performing at as well. It is definitely a great program to check out for toddlers, it really kind of bridges the gap between just being at home playing all day to now setting aside time to sit and learn!

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