Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Keeping it Interesting!

Trying something new [is always exciting] especially with the hubby...yea that's right it's gonna be "one of those" blogs...

You dirty minded people who just let your minds wander...get your head outta the gutter! I’m talking about date nights! Although we are currently trying for another baby so... never mind

Where was I? Oh yea, date nights! 

Not sure about all the other wives out there but sometimes dinner and a movie can get...well a little damn boring. So, I was thinking yesterday of all the fun stuff we used to do [you know during that magical time called: dating] and I thought why can't we still do that stuff? So, here's my plan! 

Once a month date night, that is NOT a movie and without the kids...preferably doing something either we have never done before as a couple or have not done in a long time. I am already looking forward unbelievably, nail bitingly [<-- there I go making up new words again, it happens when I'm happy], counting down the days excited for this! The hubby is on broad as well, 1) because he does whatever he can to make me happy and 2) he knows we will end up doing it anyways. Ha!

Of course this had to go into effect immediately...well I was actually going to start in November since October is pretty much over but then destiny stepped in [or maybe it was my husband's unbelievable desire to enter every contest he sees on Facebook] either way I am grateful! So, here are our next few months of date nights!

October: Atlanta Beerfest Boo & Brews Festival [hubs won a free ticket for guessing how many pounds of candy was in a picture on Facebook] <-- yea that's totally fat. Beer, live music, with my love in Atlanta...for our first monthly date night that's sounds pretty sweet to me!

November: Netherworld Haunted House ...so the hubby not a big fan of haunted houses or the horror genre in general but I LOVE it [and the previous weekend I will be the DD while he gets to try beer from all around the world] now I don't feel so bad dragging him here with me! 

Such a wickedly creepy picture!
December: BYOB Painting Class! I have been wanting to try one of these classes...I mean I think I'm kind of artsy plus add alcohol, who is the mad genius that came up with this idea! [Side Note: I totally just misspelled alcohol and the spell check suggestion for me was alcoholism...do you think my computer may be trying to tell me something?]  

That's all I got for now...still pondering over possible things to do for the month of January. Kicking around the idea of a murder mystery dinner theater date, we've both always wanted to go to one of those, but damn are they pricey! 

Oh yea...totally off subject but just a quick THANK YOU! My blog has already had over 350 views since I started posting...which means someone is actually reading this! Woohoo! If anyone has any date suggestions for me I am all ears...just leave a comment below! You can also subscribe to my blog, just set up a free account on Blogger [it won't make you start your own blog so no worries, it will just send you an email when I post something new].  

Hope y'all find me as entertaining as my husband does!

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