Friday, March 15, 2013


Okay. Okay. Time for one of those mushy posts...I only do this because I hope one day my boys will read this and think, "uh, maybe Mom does love us even if she is hard on us sometimes" least that's what I hope!

It can sometimes be tricky with these boys...they can definitely give you a run for your money at times. But there are somethings that I truly hope they look back on and think "Yep, Mom and Dad taught me that". Values, morals, virtues...these things are not a dime a dozen as some may think. But if there is anything I want my boys to learn it is this...

My 25 things that I hope to instill...

1.) Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does.
2.) Kindness can never be overdone.
3.) Use your words. Express yourself [No one can read minds. No one should have to].
4.) Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value.
5.) Days without laughter are wasted.
6.) Promises are always worth keeping.
7.) You are not entitled to anything, it has to be earned.
8.) Get dirty [but NEVER underestimate the power of good hygiene].

9.) Apologizing takes strength. Be strong.
10.) If you are ever trying to convince yourself that you're right, then you're probably wrong.
11.) Never be ashamed of being a Mama's boy [the best men are].
12.) Cursing does not make you tough.

13.) Play fair, fight fair.
14.) Define yourself by your own attributes, not by what other people expect from you.
15.) Keep it in your pants [think with your head not with your...ahem].
16.) Learn to take care of yourself [laundry and cleaning does not do itself].
17.) Happiness is a choice.

18.) Play a sport. It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully and respect authority.
19.) Use careful aim when you pee [somebody's got to clean that up].
20.) I will love whoever you choose to love. But choose wisely.
21.) Keep your pants up around you're waist, you are not a "thug" you are a white kid from a middle income family. Get over it.

22.)  Never beep a car horn to pick someone up, ever. 
23.) Good manners can open doors most would miss.
24.) Money does not buy happiness. [But Mommy & Daddy would like to be comfortable in our old age...hint hint].
25.) I will love you more than any women you will ever meet. Period.

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