Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Irish shenanigans...

Shenanigans - she.nan.i.gans ;mischef, prankishness, trickery, fun.

Yeah. That sounds about right. This is such a fun holiday which I am sure is exactly the way the Irish wanted it to be! My husband, being VERY Irish looks forward to this holiday and even wanted me to "hold out" last year on giving birth to Nash [original due date 03-08] until the 17th so that he could celebrate his birthday on St. Patrick's Day [we know how that all worked out]...

Here's what I know about this very shamrock-y holiday.
1. You get to drink green beer!
2. You wear green in some form or another.
3. Ummm...hmmm...yeah. That's all I got.

So, just because I've never really thought about it and now I'm curious I did a little reading on this Irish day and to my surprise...

The holiday was created to celebrate the patron saints of Ireland and the arrival of Christianity to Ireland, there is also Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol on this day. What. Wait. No alcohol? Yeah. Fail on that one! 

But it goes on to say that the holiday has evolved to include the celebration of the Irish cultures and traditions [now that makes wonder why nobody follows the "no alcohol" rule...]! Either way it is still a pretty awesome care-free holiday where you get to drink beer, laugh with friends, and even if your not 100% Irish [which I am not] for one day of out the year you can pretend to be!

             1)Old Navy Boys St. Patrick Shirt 2)Old Navy Baby St. Patrick Shirt 3)How to Make Green Beer! 4)Lucky Charm cupcakes

I leave you with my favorite Irish toast!

Here's to a long life and a merry one!
A cold beer and another one!

Oh and a sweet picture of the boys at the park...being friends. 

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