Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Myrtle Beach Vacation!

Well...we are back! Our wonderful vacation was over in what seemed like a flash...boo! BUT we did have a blast with the kids and got in some much needed relaxation! Of course pulling into work this morning was just slightly physically painful...but who's complaining...

We stayed at this amazing condo right on the beach, it had three outdoor pools, two indoor pools, two lazy rivers and six hot tubs! Plus it had the baby one foot pools for Nash to enjoy! Mason was so funny...as soon as we pulled in his first comment was "This is the best day of my life" [mission accomplished]. 

We spent the next week just enjoying the condo's amenities including beach front access! Nash warmed up to the sand but was definitely not a fan of the ocean...not sure if it was because the water was a frigid 60 degrees or if the sound of the waves bothered him...at any rate this was his "I hate you for bringing me here and will never forget this" face.

Couldn't help but laugh at that face!
Mas on the other hand was right at home, digging in the sand and jumping the waves! We definitely constructed some awesome sand castles during our week stay!

While most of our time was spent at the condo Mas and I did sneak away to do some NASCAR racing just the two of us! He even got to drive his very own car all by himself [he now thinks he is all knowing in the art of racing]. We also got in a round of mini-golf [Mommy won...but barely] and some rock climbing...Mas picture below...my picture...well let's just say you don't want to see that horrific image!

We also played a round of mini-golf with my husband and his grandfather [Mommy won again...to much surprise and as Mas would call it "teamwork" which is when he knocks my ball into the hole during his shot]. We found this awesome four story course which not only incorporated waterfalls and caves but fire...Mas again also referenced this as "the best day of his life"...too funny!

Vince and I also managed to sneak away for a much needed date night which included a trip to Ripley's Believe It or Not museum [total waste of money] dinner at Jimmy Buffett's restaurant Landshark and drinks afterwards at a dueling piano bar [lots of singing + lots of drinks = very happy Mommy]!

Most days Mas played in the pool with Auntie, Grandma and Grandpa and Nash enjoyed floating around with me in the lazy river and admiring the beach from afar...like ten stories up...this is his "I can enjoy the beach from right here" face.

The boys really did have a blast...between the beach, pools, mini-golf and cookies for breakfast [thank you grandparents] I'd say they were in heaven! Mas left early Saturday morning for Ohio and will be visiting up there for the next three weeks [miss my boy already...and Nash has definitely noticed that he is missing]. So, we decided on our way home to stop in Charleston for a day trip since I have never been there! After parking just a few blocks from "rainbow row" we started walking and found this really cool farmers market right smack in the middle of downtown. Then we hopped a ferry over to Fort Sumter island to check out the old fort ruins [it was Nash's first fort]! Then we had a late lunch at this place called Justine's...it is known for it's southern food and multiple people told us that they had the best fried chicken...it was so delicious! Nash enjoyed himself some mac-n-cheese, fried okra, chicken and mashed potatoes...but his favorite was the chocolate coke cola cake with chocolate frosting [if there was ever a doubt that he was my son, there should be none now] he literally applauded the waitress when she bought it out to us!

Sad that the time went by so fast but looking forward to the next couple of months...we have an awesome date night concert coming up plus my Mom will be up visiting soon and of course we are already counting down the days until Mas is back home from Ohio!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On the Horizon...

Ah...the week right before vacation begins...a cluster of emotions which include [but are certainly not limited too] "million things to get done", "Oh shit it is really Friday already, I haven't packed" and "laundry...hmmm..." <-- my arch nemesis. But it does also bring pure joy with the idea of not really having to "think too hard" for the next TEN DAYS!!! 

We will be venturing off to the beach [Myrtle Beach for all you stalkers] which is kind of silly to me...when I was a kid we never took vacations to the beach...we lived right down the street from it. So to hear my husband tell me how when him and his sister were kids the "Myrtle Beach vacation" was one they looked forward to ever year is pretty funny to me. Of course that was before I moved to Georgia...like right smack in the middle of the state and then realized that I was now going to have to start taking vacations if I really wanted to see the ocean again. Funny how you take things for granted until they are gone...I mean did I really realize at the time how lucky I was to be living in paradise...within ten minutes of the ocean? No. I was too worried about trying to afford the life that paradise cost. So I really don't have any regrets about leaving...other than now all my vacations are to the beach. Eh what can you do...

It's been pretty busy around our house lately {insert sarcasm here} and when I say busy I mean in that my husband and I have been utterly obsessed with watching Breaking Bad. We literally hurry up in the evenings to get dinner done and time spent with the kids so that we can get them to bed and BAM it's show time! We try to watch two maybe three episodes a night [Yes. I know we have a problem. But we are just not ready to kick it yet]. Truth be told, it's kind of nice to have the time with my husband watching something we both agree on...sometimes it's nice to just sit on the couch together [of course, we do throw in the occasional tickle break or pillow fight in there...you know...to keep it interesting]. But since we have not taken a "date night" for May this is the next best thing. 

The boys have some pretty cool things coming up for the summer, both will be taking swimming lessons [Nash will be learning to float], Mas will also be going to soccer camp and my Mom is planning a trip up in July [which I'm sure will include endless spoiling of the grandsons]. 

Before we know it, it will be fall again and we will be getting ready to board our big Carnival boat for our cruise to...well... different beaches. Ha!

Mas with his soccer trophy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Belly Love!

Okay so I have done two maternity photo sessions within the last month and I must say that they are probably my favorite to do [don't get me wrong...the little babies are sweet and all but there's just something about the pregnancy glow]! I am so excited to get back into photography and continue to learn and develop my craft, I am also a lucky girl that has friends who trust me enough to let me take these photos for them. That is probably my biggest fear...someone in trust you with capturing important milestones in their live...and you screw it up! Thank god I have not experienced that but not gonna lie, it is always in the back of my mind [like, please don't fuck up these pictures...if you do you will ruin this moment for them] but I think this fear also helps push me to try to get the best possible shot that I can [even if that means taking 700 photos...not kidding. I totally take that many]. Here are a few of my favorites from my last two maternity sessions...

In other Harris news...

Mas is officially done with this season of soccer [so for a few weeks we have our Tuesday and Thursday evenings back]. We are so proud at how well he did this season, he scored so many more goals this season in comparison to last! He received his pin last Thursday and this Saturday will be receiving his trophy, which will look very nice up on his shelf next to his basketball metal! Ugh...he is growing up way too fast!

Oh yeah...

Happy Cinco de Mayo!