Monday, March 4, 2013

Ready for Spring!

I don't know about the rest of you but I am sooooo ready for spring! Sunshine, blue skies, some greenery, fresh this point just being able to go outside without freezing my ass off...would really be nice!

Easter is right around the corner and I haven't even begun to think about the baskets I want to put together for the boys. Not sure why but I have been so tired and behind the curve here least it feels that way. Maybe time is just going by too fast and I am having a hard time keeping up! 

For the past few years I have made Mason's Easter basket [it is such a waste of money to buy the pre-made one] and now this year I get to make two baskets! We decided that each boy would get one "big" item and then we'd filled the baskets with candy and small cheap toys [which for some reason Mas seems to enjoy more then the expensive ones]. We have several Easter egg hunts that we will be attending, I am really hoping that Nash will be walking on his own by then so he can go after his own eggs! I may even go as far as dressing the boys in the same outfits [I know. I know. I can't help it]. Just think of how cute the pictures will be....

In other Harris news...

Mason is officially done with his first basketball season...I'm not so sure he's the next Michael Jordan but he did have fun playing and towards the last few games he really did start to understand what he was suppose to be doing on the court. Not quite sure yet if he's going to play another season, but I am so proud that he got out there and tried his best! He really did play hard and it may be something he gets back into when he's a little older. 

Mas holding his first medal! So handsome.
With basketball now behind us we can focus on soccer [Mason's sport of choice at the moment]! Mas had his first game this last Saturday, it was about 10 below [or at least that is what it felt like]! I struggled to stay the entire game but poor Nash was just not having it [must be Mommy's Florida blood running through him] my poor peanut cried almost the entire game...he was just so cold. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed that this Saturday will be a warmer day!

Speaking of my peanut...

He had his one year check up/shots and he is totally living up to his nickname! He is only in the 5th percentile for his weight, coming in at 18 lbs and in the 10th percentile for height, measuring in at 28 inches. So as of now it appears he will be short and skinny...looks like Mommy will be purchasing a very strong multivitamin! 


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