Friday, February 1, 2013

Daddy's Response...

Below is my husband's response to my latest blog...just proves Mommy's are the best!

You answered this for Nash....I will list the real answers beside it:

1.) My name is: Nash. (Legal name is Vincent)
2.) I am 1 years old. (11 months)
3.) My favorite food is: vanilla yogurt with banana oatmeal. (Anything on the floor that fits in my mouth)
4.) My favorite book is: Goodnight Moon. (Any college book Daddy is trying to study with that I can pull off the couch or wet the pages of)
5.) My favorite toy is: my ABC ride along train. (See question #4)
6.) My favorite color is: blue. (the color daddy turns when I will not leave him alone while studying)
7.) I smile most when: my Mommy sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to me. (I bother Daddy when he is trying to quietly study, see also questions #4,5,6)
8.) I start to dance when: Daddy plays "Gangnam Style" on the laptop. (Or when I see food coming and I am sitting in my high chair)
9.) My favorite word to say is: bubba. (More of a siren noise until my Mommy gets home from work)
10.) My favorite time of the day is: in the morning. (When Daddy is studying his college homework)
11.) My favorite cartoon to watch is: Sponge Bob Square Pants because my bubba will watch it with me. (Jeopardy)
12.) My favorite thing to do: play on the floor in the living room with my bubba. (See how many time I can push Daddy's buttons during the day because I thrive off the reactions and my mother has made me a momma's boy)

Now you have the real answers.

Is it just me or does someone sound like they're whining....hmmm???
Guess I better run by the store to pick up some cheese on my way home from work....  

Daddy and his boys.

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