Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On the Horizon...

Ah...the week right before vacation begins...a cluster of emotions which include [but are certainly not limited too] "million things to get done", "Oh shit it is really Friday already, I haven't packed" and "laundry...hmmm..." <-- my arch nemesis. But it does also bring pure joy with the idea of not really having to "think too hard" for the next TEN DAYS!!! 

We will be venturing off to the beach [Myrtle Beach for all you stalkers] which is kind of silly to me...when I was a kid we never took vacations to the beach...we lived right down the street from it. So to hear my husband tell me how when him and his sister were kids the "Myrtle Beach vacation" was one they looked forward to ever year is pretty funny to me. Of course that was before I moved to Georgia...like right smack in the middle of the state and then realized that I was now going to have to start taking vacations if I really wanted to see the ocean again. Funny how you take things for granted until they are gone...I mean did I really realize at the time how lucky I was to be living in paradise...within ten minutes of the ocean? No. I was too worried about trying to afford the life that paradise cost. So I really don't have any regrets about leaving...other than now all my vacations are to the beach. Eh what can you do...

It's been pretty busy around our house lately {insert sarcasm here} and when I say busy I mean in that my husband and I have been utterly obsessed with watching Breaking Bad. We literally hurry up in the evenings to get dinner done and time spent with the kids so that we can get them to bed and BAM it's show time! We try to watch two maybe three episodes a night [Yes. I know we have a problem. But we are just not ready to kick it yet]. Truth be told, it's kind of nice to have the time with my husband watching something we both agree on...sometimes it's nice to just sit on the couch together [of course, we do throw in the occasional tickle break or pillow fight in there...you know...to keep it interesting]. But since we have not taken a "date night" for May this is the next best thing. 

The boys have some pretty cool things coming up for the summer, both will be taking swimming lessons [Nash will be learning to float], Mas will also be going to soccer camp and my Mom is planning a trip up in July [which I'm sure will include endless spoiling of the grandsons]. 

Before we know it, it will be fall again and we will be getting ready to board our big Carnival boat for our cruise to...well... different beaches. Ha!

Mas with his soccer trophy!

1 comment:

  1. omg i teared up about our myrtle beach vacations!!! it was truly what i looked forward to every year as a kid!
