Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's Been a Minute... has definitely been a minute since I have blogged! It has just been so crazy around our house this last couple of weeks and free time [what the hell is that?!] to begin...

Well, for starters my sweet little boy is officially a KINDERGARTNER! <-- WhAt?!?! When did this happen?!?! I swear just yesterday we were potty training this kid and now look at him...he's almost an adult [or at least that's how it feels].

Isn't he just the most handsome kid you've ever seen? Yes. Yes he is. 
It was pretty funny, I was working on the chalkboard sign for his first day photos and when I told him it was time for him to fill in the blanks I said "okay, so tell me what you want to be when you grow up?" and he said "I want to be an army no a green beret". He has officially proven without a doubt that he is his father's child. Really. So...not a fireman or policeman or president or any other common answer from most kids?! I am all of a sudden excited to find out what he'll want to be next year!

Look at that big boy!
Anyways, his first day was a complete success and he has been loving school, I love that now we can sit down for dinner and I can listen to him tell me about what he learned, new friends he's made and things that he is looking forward too. 

We also decided to finally get a dog, Mas has been asking for one for about a year now and we've just been kinda putting it off [For good reason. Puppy training sucks]. But my husband finally talked me into it so the search began. We decided that we wanted an older dog, maybe two or three years old that was already house broken...makes perfect sense right? So, this is what we ended up with...

Meet Hendrix
Our 8 week old toy Schnauzer.
Yes...I know. We totally went against the grain on this one...but he was so damn adorable that it caused a momentary lapse in reasoning and all of a sudden I forgot all about puppy potty training and was caught in his crashing waves of cuteness which pulled me towards him, put him in my arms and then the deal was done.  

But it was totally worth it because both boys are completely in love with him and the training has actually not been bad at all, he is a smart breed so he has caught on pretty quick to the way things run around here.

As for his name...Mason vote was for "Jouster Spike" [Okay. I give him points for originality]. But we went with Hendrix...for obvious reasons...he's black and is totally rocking a fro [plus, Mommy got veto on naming the next baby boy I had to settle for it as the dog's name]. <-- the sacrifices I make.

We have also been filling our weekends with non-stop activities...park playgrounds, drive in movies and Silverback soccer games up in Atlanta. Both boys really enjoy the games but Mas has turned into a full fledged HOOLIGAN.

Pictured below is proof...and yes he is singing and drumming along with the chants.

Speaking of soccer...
Mason's soccer season has started again and we are so excited to see his progress this season over last, first practice was last night and he totally killed it!

Of course...Nash loves this time of the year too. he really gets into watching Mas out on the field and I even caught him clapping and yelling "Bubba" during practice!

But he can't enjoy Bubba's practice without first jacking Mommy's drink.
And finally...
The best news of all over these past few weeks...


I know this happens to people everyday around the world, but I have been very unhappy for a long time and have truly been praying for a chance to escape and accept a better opportunity. Well, that opportunity came knocking last week and I jumped on it! Not only am I going to be expanding my job duties, but I am also going to have the opportunity now to complete a designation for my license that I have been wanting to work on plus the added bonus of better benefits and a $13,000 RAISE....wHaT WoOt WoOt

Life is good.

As always we have tons of stuff planned over the next few months including Mas's birthday trip to the battleships in Charleston, my long weekend trip to Florida to see Depeche Mode in concert with my best girlfriends for September, then in October I have the Nine Inch Nails concert plus our week cruise out of the country and finally a short trip to Alabama for my husband's college graduation ceremony [and that just takes us through the end of October] we ever stop?
 No. And that's how I like it!

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