Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's Getting Close!

We only have 20 days until Christmas…really??? just.twenty.days. This month is flying by and it has been busy for us as well. We’ve been finalizing all our plans for the big move in January while also preparing for Christmas! Luckily though we have completed our Christmas shopping for the boys! Mason will be getting not one but TWO rifles for all the hunting he is going to be doing out in Oregon [per my husband…apparently there is two different types of guns needed to hunt different types of animals…I don’t know. Sounds fishy to me but whatever, I know he’ll make great use out of them]. With all this hunting that will be happening we also had to get Mas some hunting gear so let’s just say the theme for this Christmas is CAMO because just about EVERYTHING he got has some sort of camo to it.

Thanksgiving Day! 
Nash on the other hand was a little harder to buy for…surprisingly! I mean the kid plays with all Mason’s toys so he really has no interest in “baby toys” as Mas calls them. We know he loves music and cars so he ended up with a new drums set [since he played his other one’s so much he ended up punching a hole in two of the drums], a karaoke machine since he is now obsessed with singing, all.the.time. We also got him a small guitar that is a perfect size for him [so now maybe he’ll leave his Bubba’s alone], a small piano toy, a set of maracas and a race track for his hot wheels.

Nash. Singing as usual!
Our boys may be spoiled.

But I will admit that I am really looking forward to getting moved and settled and everything behind us, it has been a very stressful last very weeks…probably the most stressful of my entire life. But I believe it is all worth it, I believe God has a plan for our family and that it involves this move cross-country. We’ve already been scouting out all the National Parks we’ll be able to take the boys too as well as Mason getting involved in the soccer league there and maybe even the cub scouts!

Mason is getting back into the routine of school after having the week of Thanksgiving off and now that soccer and baseball are on a break we’ve had more time for family fun nights together which usually includes Mason kicking our butts in Sorry or Mouse Trap…although Mommy still remains the reigning champion of Battleship! Daddy holds the title of never ending  up as the Old Maid…Mason holds the title for always being the Old Maid…ha! I can’t wait until Nash is old enough to play with us as well, plus I have a funny feeling that Mas and Nash will be teaming up together to take us down!

Watching morning cartoons together!

The “Elf Game” is still going strong and Mas is loving it, I just wish Nash understood so he could do it too but we will definitely be doing it every year so Nash’s time will come!

Oh and we finally found the perfect stuffed animal to reflect Nash...


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