Thursday, February 7, 2013

Around Here Lately...

Stop.Breath.Think.Breath. Okay, wait. What was I doing again?!?!

That about sums up what it has felt like around our house here lately…we just have so much going on! I have never been one to sit still or not have something “in the works” so I don’t mind being busy but I am definitely in countdown mode for my April girl’s weekend away [if I just get the opportunity to sleep in pass 8 o’clock the entire trip would be worth the cost]! But while I have been busy planning that getaway I have also been in full birthday party planning mode for Nash as well! Thanks to my hubs all decorations are ordered and on their way now, I just have to get the cake finalized and then hope that we have enough of everything for everyone!

On top of those two upcoming trips, I have also been doing research on our big 2014 Ireland trip! I am beyond excited for this trip and am really looking forward to experiencing it with my hubby. We also decided that we may try to see another country while we are across the pond so I have been busy looking into different countries and what would make the most sense time wise for us to visit and give us the most bang for our buck! As you can imagine my mind has been going wild with all the places we could possibility go! It’s kind of nice because this trip will give us a taste of what we want our retirement to be like…after the kids are grown and have families and careers of their own, we just want to getaway and travel to all of the places we've always wanted to go!

Just the two of us. On our own schedule. Doing what we want to do. Yes. 
[Sorry was daydreaming there for a minute…back to the blog…]

We are also getting back into soccer season for Mas which is overlapping just a bit with his basketball season [two practices a week plus games on Saturdays, the boy loves his sports]. Plus, he has been asking about baseball as well which we may try to get him into sometime in the fall. It will be even more fun when Nash starts getting into sports or hobbies or whatever his little personality steers him too [those must be the years all parents talk about when you don’t see your spouse but maybe a few minutes at the end of the day before you pass out for the night].

I am also thinking about our upcoming family portraits that we are having done by a very talented photographer friend of ours [I will admit I am not looking forward to the part where there are pictures of ME being taken since I am not where I want to be weight wise yet] but if I waited until I was ready we wouldn't have any new family photos until the third possible fourth child was here and that would mean years would pass. So, for the sake of the boys having pictures to look back on of when they we’re young [and all of us in the picture] we are having them done. Now, just need to figure out what we are all wearing…

Speaking of third child and for those who ask me…no bun in the oven yet but not for lack of trying [hehehe] we shall see what the beginning of next month brings, if we are pregnant we would be due in October which is my birth month [I would totally share my birthday]. So, keeping the fingers crossed for a baby in 2013.

To top off this already busy month and of course the icing on the cake…we have all been infected with a mixture I like to call the sinus pressure/mucus/hacking coughs/pink eyes/sore ears/bacterial yuck/kick your ass cold. Yeah. Wiped our household out for a good solid two days. No joke. But we are all on some sort of multiple medicine concoction that will hopefully, once and for all, finally get sick out of our house.  

I mean seriously. I can’t be sick. I have WAY too much shit going on.

Do they look sick? Yeah. Don't let them fool ya, they are germ breeding infected monsters! But still love them.

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