Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Red Corduroy Jeans

So this is it! I am putting this out into the internet universe in hopes that it will help keep me accountable and on track to my goals. It’s weird how when you’re a teenager or young adult you have all these goals and there is this idea that once you become a full-grown, mortgage paying, career engaged adult and have met these goals that you’re done.

Ah. To be so naïve… I honestly think I have worked towards and accomplished more goals in my adulthood than I ever did in my adolescence. I’ve made the move to a new state (which if you’ve never done it, let me say that it can become very overwhelming especially if you relocate to a state where you have ABSOLUTELY no family), I’ve strived, sacrificed and push my way in an industry that is dominated by men to finally reach a position that I have worked towards for so long and I’ve grown emotionally, in a way that I hope makes me the best wife and mother possible.

So with all this please tell me WHY is it so hard to get to my goal weight!?!?

Laziness…(there maybe a little of that mixed in there)…Time…(yes. that is definitely a factor)…Nutrition…(my favorite food is grilled cheese and fries so you bet your sweet ass it is)…BUT this goal is no different than any other I have set my mind too in the past. So, I went out and got my gym membership back, have committed to 61 ounces of water daily (even if I have to get it into me via I.V. form) and a 1,200 calories or less “diet” (meaning I’m making a conscious effort to eat better things and cutting portion sizes in half). I’ve also decided that I don’t want to push towards a number but rather a “feeling”, to be honest even when I was “skinny” I had no idea what I weighed, I never checked and I never really cared. It wasn’t until I got pregnant that I starting keeping track but after having Nash I don’t think I even weighed myself once. For me, it’s always been about feeling good. If I felt good in a pair of jeans or sexy in a maxi dress then it didn’t matter to me what size it was. It’s like these red jeans I own, I’ve had them for years and there were times when they were too big on me and times (like now) when they’ve been too small but I refuse to get rid of them. They are a size 5 and they are my goal.

My plan is to start with good ol’ fashion cardio…it is the thing that has bought this all on so only fitting that I start with it. About two weeks ago I was rushing back to work from a lunch appointment (big surprise) and I decided to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. My office is only the fifth floor, no big deal…so after I ALMOST DIED climbing these stairs which I swear I think were too steep to be within building code ordinance it took me an additional 5 minutes to catch my breath and slow my heartbeat down AND I could immediately feel my legs already cramping up from the unscheduled, unexpected workout. That’s when it happened…the words…finally fell from my lips…”Man am I out of shape”. All of a sudden since that day I’ve not “felt” good in anything and maybe it just finally hit me that I’m older now and it is time to actually invest in this body instead of just relaying on pure genes alone (which we know is never a sure bet).

Starting with cardio is the plan, then working my way to lights weights/high reps and eventually I’d like to get back into a nightly cycling class (as the boys sports and commitments permit). I used to cycle at least three to four times a week and loved it! It is such a great workout, I don’t think I ever sweat as much as I do in a cycling class BUT it is also rough on your body so my goal is to ease back into it and hope that the love I once had for it is still there just under the surface.

So, unless sometime in between I end up knocked up this is my new focus for the next few months. I’ve taken some “before” pictures but have decided that are far beyond too awful to post so I will keep them as private motivation for the time being. But I am committed to tracking my progress, my red jeans are the end goal…my immediate goal is my husband’s favorite dress (oh, he knows the one).

I should also say that I purposely did not mention any type of supplements or shakes because to be frank I buy then with every great intention and then never touch them again…nope. I’m going old school with this…just exercise, water and eating clean”er” although if the hubby would spring for a tummy tuck I may be persuaded…just sayin’.

So. Here’s to a Halloween with no candy, a Thanksgiving with no carbs and a Christmas with no alcohol…

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