Friday, November 21, 2014

Disney Bound!

Remember when I said it was going to be a quiet Thanksgiving…

You should know something about my husband if you don’t already.

He NEVER meets a stranger. It’s crazy scary how he can carry on a conversation with a perfect stranger (for hours if I don’t pull him away) and by the end of it they’re usually Facebook friends and continue to correspond on and off for months or years to come. I, on the other hand am a little more reserved. It’s a gift, I’m know.

That’s one of the reasons why we work so well…I just let him do all the talking (which he enjoys) while I get to stand there smiling and nodding (which I enjoy…and honestly I’m usually not even listening or my mind is off on another avenue of thoughts or I’m keeping an aware eye on where the boys are and what they are potentially getting into to or I realize early on in the conversation that the particular subject matter, I will not end up remembering anyways as soon as the conversation is over so I don’t even try to retain it). Anyways, I say all this so that you can believe me when I say the next thing I tell you is not uncommon with my husband…

He meet a nice couple from Florida through a Facebook group page that was created for people who were going to be traveling on the same cruise as us. I’m not even 100% sure if we met them in person while we were on the cruise. Maybe we did.

Did he introduce me to them?
I think he may have.
I don’t know.
I probably wasn’t paying attention or was possibly chasing the boys around.
Best bet is I just don’t remember.

Okay. So I think he met them at least once while we were cruising. Apparently, they both work for Disney and through all the back and forth correspondences they offered us free entry into the Disney parks, they would just have to be available to walk us into the park. Sweet! Thank you so much people I have no recollection of ever meeting! This offer was extended back in October and I honestly thought that they wouldn’t remember offering it but the hubs reached out to them via Facebook and we are now taking the boys to Animal Kingdom and Epcot the weekend after Thanksgiving for free! They will be able to see the Christmas lights and experience a new park they’ve never been to before (Epcot)!

Thanks to the hubs for being such a chatty Cathy!

In other news, Mason had his Student of the Month breakfast earlier this week which I was able to attend. Since this is his second year receiving it, he acted like he was a pro, telling me as we were sitting there waiting for it to start “Next year I hope there’s a different award I can get, this one’s good but I need something better”. That’s right love, keep pushing for better!
Our superstar student!
Nash is ready for Thanksgiving!
Game night with my Mas!

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